Thai Massage - Bodywork - Herbology
Sanctuary Holistic Therapy
Straight from the land of smiles. Tanya and Manow are both trained and certified from the Old Medical College of Chiang Mai in original Thai massage techniques.

Traditional Thai Massage  $59/hr

The deep tissue massage, focuses on the muscles in a more specific way to help release tension and muscular pain in your body, such as repetitive strain, limited mobility, postural problems and fibromyalgia.

Deep Tissue Massage  $59/hr

Swedish massage  promotes relaxation, eases muscle tension and relaxation. In all styles of Swedish bodywork, the therapist lubricates the skin and performs massage techniques that warm-up and move the muscle tissue. This technique releases tension and breaks up the superficial muscle “knots” leaving you feel relaxed and rejuvenated.

Swedish Massage  $59/hr

A relaxing massage to relieve stress and remove headache. This therapy focuses on the head and shoulders.

Headache Massage  $59/hr

Combination Massage  $59/hr

A therapy using a combination of Thai, Deep Tissue, Swedish and hot stone techniques.